So much of the media that we receive these days focuses on sensational bad news stories. This section is dedicated to presenting 'Good News'.
Here you will find articles and sentiments that will boost your spirit and help us to reflect upon how truly blessed we are. Please feel free to share your Good News stories here.
The eyes beholding this message shall not behold evil, the hands that will send this message to others shall not labor in vain, the mouth saying Amen to this prayer shall laugh forever.
People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered;
Forgive them anyway.
For those who don't believe in intelligent design of the universe and everything within it, maybe they should rethink their position.
Hope all is well. When you have a moment to yourself, read this, and please know that I am so grateful to have you in my life. It was difficult for me to decide who I thought would DO this because many people claim to pray, but not everyone does.
The brand new pastor and his wife, newly assigned to their first ministry, to reopen a church in suburban Brooklyn , arrived in early October excited about their opportunities. When they saw their church, it was very run down and needed much work.
A bagpiper from Saskatchewan was recently asked, by a funeral director, to play at a graveside service for a homeless man who had no family or friends. The service was to be at a secluded pauper's cemetery in a deeply wooded area near Edmonton.
We were the only family with children in the restaurant. I sat Erik in a high chair and noticed everyone was quietly sitting and talking. Suddenly, Erik squealed with glee and said, 'Hi.' He pounded his fat baby hands on the high chair tray. His eyes were
I dreamed that I went to Heaven and an angel was showing me around. We walked side-by-side inside a large workroom filled with angels. My angel guide stopped in front of the first section and said, ' This is the Receiving Section. Here, all petitions to G
"God, our Father, walk through my house and take away
all my worries and illnesses and please watch over and heal my
family in Jesus name, Amen."
With their country in the midst of a colossal disaster - The Japanese citizens can teach plenty of lessons to the world.
We don't know why John Paul II wanted to hide this picture for years. The Vatican published this picture recently, for first time. This picture was taken by one of his security guards just when the Pope was attacked and was falling down in his Papamobil.