Knights of Columbus
Father Bonner Council # 7599
April 2013
Morris Baraniecki Greg Lintz
Grand Knight Deputy Grand Knight
Grand Knight’s Message
Brother Knights, Wives, and Families
I hope that
every one had a Blessed and Happy Easter.
expected, March was a very busy month for our Council with Lenten activities.
Thank You to Sir Knights and the Knights who participated in the Way of the
Cross and the Veneration of the Cross.
We also had
a successful membership recruitment led by Brother Paolo Festa-Bianchet
Membership Director, assisted by Brother Wally Streit Council Director, and
Brother Al Girard Council Advocate. Thank you Brothers for a job well done.
We are delighted to welcome and congratulate ten new Brother Knights who became part of Father Bonner Council.
1 Rolando Bayaban 6. Howard Louie .
2. Nelson Boren (seminarian) 7. Carl Reimer .
3. Uelber Dantas 8. Robert Richardson
4. Rostand Faleu 9.John Jofin Kattiparambil Joseph
5. Joseph Glowach 10. Tibu Thomas
completed their 1st Degree exemplification on March 26, 2013. Thank
you to the members of the first degree team who like always did an awesome job
in presenting the exemplification ceremony to the new brother Knights. We
highly encourage the participation and enthusiasm of these new Knights where
their talents can shine and hope they make every effort to complete the 2nd
and 3rd degree on April 6, 2013 or May 18, 2013.
For our
general meeting at 7:30 pm on April 9th beginning with Mass at 7:00
pm, we will need Brothers to assist as an Adult Server, Readers and
Extraordinary Ministers. Please assist in any of these roles if you can.
remember our April 28th Pancake Breakfast. It is one of the
ways we serve our church and community.
God Bless
Morris Baraniecki
Grand Knight