Grand Knight’s message — February 2015
Brother Knights, Ladies, and families,
I often wonder what it would it have been like at the time of the Nativity, which we commemorate nowadays as Christmas. For example, the shepherds tending to their sheep encounter the heavenly host of angels proclaiming the good news of great joy to all — that must have been quite the sight. No wonder they decided immediately, “let us go see this wonderful gift God has given to the world!”
The interesting thing was that these witnesses to the Nativity were only seeing the first part of God’s great plan. Could these people have anticipated the child in the manger would go on to healing the sick and proclaiming the good news of salvation... and after all this, give himself up willingly to die? To die for them? For us? And for the whole world?
This is the second part of the eternal story and brings us to the upcoming season of Lent, which begins with Ash Wednesday on February 18. This is a period for us to reflect on our lives, for the times when we do not serve God as we could and should because of our sins. We are not worthy recipients of the gift of Jesus, but by God’s grace, we may be cleansed of our sin. Let us be ever thankful to God for his graces and blessings, and share the gift with others. (God encourages re-gifting!)
One of my goals as Grand Knight is to re-engage our members in our Council’s activities. For those of you who are not active, how can we get you involved?
Can you spare one hour per month? Did you know that if each of our Council’s members said yes to that, that totals 5000 volunteer hours in a year. That is a lot of good that we can do.
For Mass before our meeting on Tuesday, February 10, we’ll need Brother Knights to serve in the following roles: an Adult Server, a Lector, two to bring up the Offertory gifts, and two Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. If you can serve in any of these roles, please co-ordinate with Bro. Paul Liber and meet at the Sacristy 5–10 minutes before Mass.
Fraternally yours,
Bro. Jeremy Sit
Grand Knight