Please attend the May Council meeting, as we will be electing the executive for the next Columbian Year.
The Nominating Committee has assembled a slate of candidates for the election. They include:
- Grand Knight - Morris Bariniecki
- Deputy Grand Knight - Greg Lintz
- Warden – Denis Bourgeault
- Treasurer – Arnold Lorenz
- Trustee – Marion Hrnew
- Chancellor – Al Girard
Also, please mark Saturday, June 9th on your calender, as we will be holding our annual Awards Night BBQ after 5 pm Mass on that day. A general email will be sent out soon with details. We would like to have a large number of members and their wives attend, and I encourage new Knights to join us for a fun evening of fellowship.
You will recall that we received a generous anonymous gift. We wanted to use the money for projects that would please the anonymous donor, and so the first project which was funded entirely by that gift was to
donate $2200.00 to the church for the purchase of a defibrillator. It has been installed just outside the office, and the church placed a plaque on the bottom of the case, acknowledging Father Bonner Council for the gift.
The St. Thomas More Parish Pastoral Council is hosting a Volunteer Appreciation Event on May 15th at 7.30pm in the hall after the 7pm mass. Invitations are at the church entrance. Please check to see if there is an invitation for you, and if there is none and you have volunteered in some way over the past year, please send a request to and I'll try to get you on the list.
The 2012 Alberta / NWT State Convention was held on the last weekend of April. Father Bonner Council did very well when the awards were handed out.
- Our council was first runner-up for Council of the Year.
- Your Grand Knight was first runner-up for Grand Knight of the year.
- Our council website was first runner-up for best website.
- Our council won the Pro-Life Award.
- Our council won the Pennies For Heaven Award
- Our council won the Charities Appeal Award.
- Brother Ken Shivak was named Knight of the Year. That is the second consecutive year that a member of our council won that great honour, as you will recall Brother Real Demers was the winner last year.
Vivat Jesus
Al Girard, Grand Knight